Friday, May 15, 2020

Security Issues Of Hadoop Services - 3239 Words

SECURITY ISSUES IN HADOOP SERVICES 11 Security Issues in Hadoop Services Jogendra Chowdari Achanta Adv Web App Using Web Services - CS 525 Professor Kihyun Kim 04/10/2016 Running head: SECURITY ISSUES IN HADOOP SERVICES 1 Abstract Big Data is creating great opportunities for businesses, companies and many large scale and small scale industries. Hadoop is an open-source cloud computing and big data framework, is increasingly used in the IT world. The rapid growth of Hadoop and Cloud Computing clearly indicates its importance as a Big Data enabling technology. Due to the loopholes of security mechanism, the security issues introduced through adaptation of this technology are also increasing. Hadoop services do not†¦show more content†¦In this current era, many organizations are using the technology to store and analyze petabytes of data that are related to their company, business and their customers for future requirement. Because of this classification of data becomes even more important. Techniques such as encryption, logging, and security measures are required for securing this big data. Usage of the Big data for fraud detection looks very interesting and profit making for many organizations. Big data style analyzing of data can solve the problems like advanced threats, cyber security related issues and even malicious intruders. With the use of more sophisticated pattern analysis and with the use of multiple data sources it is easy to detect the threats in early stages of the project itself. Many organizations are fighting with the remaining issues like private issues with the usage of big data. Data privacy is a liability; thus companies must be on privacy defensive. When compared to security, Privacy should consider as profit making asset because it results in the selling of unique product to customers which results in making money. We need to maintain balance between data privacy and national security. Visualization, controlling and inspection of the network links and ports are required to ensure security. Thus there is a need to put ones in insight the loop

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